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I offer creative workshops and sessions for  people of all ages and experience .I have over 25 years of knowledge to bring to any event .I am particularly interested in working with the elderly with memory issues, helping them to develop their creativity and confidence through self  expression.Over the last two and half years I  have been  developing work in this arena , with some success;

Other workshops are run as expressive events in the Landscape  during the summer months.

Please contact me if you wish to make a booking , or would just  like to find out more about what I can offer.



Hi Jonathan

My 90 year old mother attended the Crantock Memory Cafe on a Monday afternoon before Christmas, sorry I don't have the date, when you facilitated a workshop. She always enjoys attending but she was so enthusiastic that day and had derived so much pleasure from the activity that I wanted to give you a more personal feedback.  Arts and crafts have always been of interest to her, particularly art, and it was joyous to see her so animated.

I see that you are based in Redruth, but am wondering if you are running any other workshops in the future?  Unfortunately I divide my time between Cornwall and South Yorkshire so I'm not always around, but when I am down here I will happily drive her around Cornwall - well, within reason.  Mum's hearing and eyesight have deteriorated, but the pleasure she derived from being able to express herself in a familiar but forgotten medium makes any effort worthwhile.

With many thanks

Pam Cooper


Below ;Images from recent memory cafe` art session and from  upcoming workshop at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens.Please contact them directly to book.

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